Well - I find it more difficult to spend my time creating - when I really want to be with my grandson. I never really know how much he would mean to me - I think I could spend every day with him - you know - like in the old days when grandparents lived with their kids. Well maybe not - but I do love him to pieces. But - I have done some creating. Well - card making - I am determined to use up my kits as I get frustrated with them - I want standard size cards - not little ones, and I am glad I have lots of stash - as I never seem to have enough from the kit to finish them. Now - I did make Halloween cards - they are still here not mailed - but guess I have them to send out for next year. I also am working on some cards - just because.
I am still working on finishing up some knitting. Made little bit a bigger hat as all his preemie ones are not a little small. And he is finally out of his preemie clothes - so good exuse to shop. Will be working on creating next week - I took some time off. Got to get cards made for Christmas and some gifts I need to make for our secret santa exchange. Hopefully will remember to post before I give ethem away!